For over 10 years The CyberMaryland Annual Conference, presented by the Federal Business Council (FBC), has brought together the leading Cybersecurity and IT professionals in the state of Maryland across academia, government, and industry to promote the community of cybersecurity. This networking and educational event is an incredible opportunity to connect with the best and brightest professionals as well as up and coming newbies and the latest in industry products and services.
This exclusive event connects cybersecurity on all levels to ensure the cyber-safety of today and educate the cybersecurity professionals of tomorrow. Additionally, Maryland is a notable hub of natural leadership in the cybersecurity field. This unique community of people share in the same passion - to strengthen the cyber security industry through unity, improved security awareness while helping Marylanders lead safer digital lives.
While the Epicenter of cybersecurity sits squarely in the State of Maryland, CyberMaryland’s tentacles and influence extend much farther providing services to defend cyber space around the globe. Maryland’s “Cyber Industrial Complex” is a rare combination of commercial innovation, excellence in cyber education and government agencies focused on cyber as a core mission. CyberMaryland participates in the U.S & International IT/ cybersecurity community as well. Maryland is proud to host delegations from across the country and around the world to share strengths and lessons learned. These alliances create new opportunities, build new connections, and strengthen existing relationships. CyberMaryland is a charter member of CyberUSA.
We are excited this 11th annual conference will take place as a live event with in-person participation at the College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center on December 6-7, 2023. We encourage and invite Government and Industry partners who would like to provide their insights and experience to the greater community please reach out and inquire about speaking at CyberMaryland.
Sponsor Inclusions
More exposure can go a long way! Cybersecurity is a competitive marketplace. Below are additional opportunities to amplify your brand.

Please note, branded items are now taking a longer production cycle. Please forward your logo to your FBC Account Manager as soon as possible.
To be listed in the 2023 CyberMaryland Conference Exhibit Guide and in the mobile app, FBC must receive your exhibit listing and logo no later than November 17, 2023.