Utah Partnerships for Turning Data into Action | A Health Data Innovation Summit
Utah’s public health system is pleased to announce the event: Utah Partnerships for Turning Data into Action | A Health Data Innovation Summit at the Le Méridien on June 21-22, 2023.
Convened in collaboration with the CDC Foundation in follow up to the recent CDC-ONC Industry Days, the Utah Partnerships for Turning Data into Action | A Health Data Innovation Summit
brings together key partners to learn about, and collaborate on, high priority public health information challenges that impact the health, wellness, and prosperity of Utahns. The summit convenes
distinguished representatives from the public and private sectors to consider catalytic opportunities to unlock and modernize essential public health information that can be used by communities,
families, businesses, and government for better, faster decision making. These opportunities will focus on how multi-sector partnerships can drive innovation in health data information systems – innovations
that ultimately help improve health outcomes, lower healthcare costs, and spur economic growth for every Utahn. This inaugural summit also offers an important model for unlocking the value and impact of health
information. The partnership model can be used by national, state, and local partners to transform how health information serves the public’s health, communities, and diverse sectors.